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The Need Of Cyber Security In Businesses

By Parul Singh - Tuesday, 8 November 2016 No Comments
Hello guys today i am writing The Need Of Cyber Security In Businesses!!
Cyber Security:
Cyber Security is one of the most significant aspects that should be considered while doing a business. It is not only crucial to big business houses and companies but also to newly set up businesses. In fact, small businesses are relatively in more danger as they have least protected websites and accounts and therefore can be easily harmed by cyber criminals and rivals. So what exactly is this cyber security?
Why Is Cyber Security Important?
Cyber security refers to a combination of processes, technologies, and practices that are devised to safeguard networks, computers, data and files from being hacked and attacked by unauthorised and unapproved access.
Since the cyber world is an ever-changing regime, the need for an updated and vigilant cyber security system becomes even more irrefutable. Following are some of the elements of cyber security as it is a very comprehensive field:
  • Information security
  • Network security
  • Application security
  • Disaster recovery
  • End user education.
Why would anyone want to steal your personal information?
Now after understanding cyber security, let us figure out why anyone would want to steal your business information and data. In the year 2012, Zappos, an online shoe store, was hacked down by cyber criminals making its 24 million accounts and their details like email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and partial credit card accessible.Other than this major consequence, the aftermath of a cyber attack can be annoying spam mails in our inbox that look quite harmless until they come in a more threatening version of “phishing e-mails”.
Cyber security measures in business
As discussed above, every business, whether big or small, must invest in cyber security as it will ultimately help it in securing its own financial details and also of their customers. Following are some of the measures that can be used to counter cyber criminals and for the protection of your business:
Using convoluted passwords
A password is needed by almost every online application and website to access it. While creating a password, one should always remember to use a fusion of alphanumeric characters and symbols. Another practice that can be adopted is using a space before or after the password.
Installing encryption software
Encryption software is strictly needed if your work has to do with information like credit card numbers, passwords, account numbers and the likes. This software converts information into unreadable codes.Other measures can include using ignoring doubtful emails, limiting access to vital data, taking regular backups, protecting with Firewall, installing trusted antivirus software.
CCTV footage and cyber security
Today visual supervision has become elemental to the society and also assists companies to protect their valuable assets. However, if not properly secured, this tool can pose its own adverse effects. Let’s first learn how a CCTV system  works. The camera is connected to an internet network that parcels the camera footage to the internet which allows it to be accessed from a PC, tablet or phone. In this process, the vulnerability comes in with the internet network being used and the source of sharing the footage on the internet.
Following are few steps that can be taken to protect your CCTV footage:
Mostly companies use wifi to use the internet. This can be protected by (a) securing with a strong password and (b) limiting the number of people knowing the password.
Most IP cameras have a default user id and password that people fail to change. Protecting your cameras with secured passwords is indispensable.To protect your footage, you should avoid port forwarding to your IP camera.Just like the IP camera, the router also comes with a default password that should be altered.Another step can be to keep updating your camera with up to date firmware.Cyber security, in all, is a practice requiring regular checks and updates. With strong vigilance and alertness, we can secure our business and its valuable information and safe guard it from being misused by cyber criminals. A good CCTV system is one of the basic things that you need to keep your information safe.

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