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Hacked on Facebook? Here is what you can do

By da1337 - Thursday, 17 September 2015 No Comments

A lot of time we come across posts made by friends that say their Facebook accounts are hacked. In many cases, such posts follow the earlier posts with pornographic videos or photos etc from the accounts of the same people. Often these posts have titles like "See what she did with her boyfriend" and often a number of people are tagged to such posts. No, those obscene posts are not made by the users. They are made by bots who gain entry into the Facebook account of the victim.

But this doesn't mean that the account was hacked. That said, the question is what should you do if you fall prey to such bots and find yourself in a position where you have to say that your Facebook account was "hacked"? You need to start by understanding what happened.

The cause of your hacked account

One may feel Facebook doesn't have a strong user privacy protection in place. But reality is that Facebook is not to be blamed for those weirdly embarrassing posts.
The real culprit in this game are all those apps on Facebook which apparently tell you "when will you die".

Not all but some of these apps are very poorly protected to begin with, and it is just a matter of time before an app goes rogue and starts spamming your timeline with those pornographic videos.
And at times it may do more harm than just posting weird stuff on your Facebook page.

What can you do?

When you find yourself at the receiving end, first of all, you need to change your Facebook account password. It is a rare chance that these apps may use your account details to steal your data, but the possibility is always there.

Don't we wish everything was as easy as just changing a password? Sigh, it is not. However, you can follow the following steps, which is next to easy.

-- A panel on the left side on your Facebook newsfeed page will show you some of the Facebook apps. You can open the complete list of these apps by clicking on "More".

-- Each app will offer you three options: Add to favorite, Edit, and Remove.
-- Now you need to identify the app that is spreading all kind of filth on your timeline and click "Remove". 

 -- The best course of action is to remove any app that you don't use and that looks shady. But if you have some special liking for a "Who is your best friend" you can always edit the permissions that you have given to the app. It includes permission of posting on your behalf, so disabling it will not let the app post anything on Facebook.

What about those unwanted tags?

You just learned how not to be the one who spams people with "sexy lingerie" posts but you can't say that for your friends. Spreading the word is one way of doing it. However, you can also change the tag settings so the your name doesn't appear without your permission.

Here is how to do it

-- Go to "Settings" from the arrow on top right corner.
-- Select "Timeline and tagging" from the panel on the left of the page.
-- Enable the "Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?". After enabling this, Facebook will send you a notification every time someone tags you in a photo or a post.

There are also other options on this menu that you can find useful. Now you can use your Facebook without having to post those "Sorry, I didn't do it! I got hacked" status. Browse safe!

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