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A Google Engineer Is Publicly Shaming Crappy USB-C Cables

By da1337 - Monday, 16 November 2015 No Comments

All cables are not created equal: some will charge most efficiently, others might just fry your battery. Google Chromebook engineer and Caped Cable Crusader Benson Leung has been testing USB-C cables off Amazon, and it's not just the no-brand products that have been failing. 

Leung's campaign mostly consists of ordering USB-C cables off Amazon, testing them to see if they meet the minimum standards or if they're just knock-offs, and then leaving scathing Amazon reviews. Cables and chargers fail in all sorts of different ways, although incorrect resistors seem to be a common problem that Leung's been finding. 

Although the bulk of problematic adapters are coming from no-brand acccessory resellers, there's one particularly interesting failure: Leung has called out the OnePlus USB-C cable and adapter. They'll work just fine if you only ever use them with OnePlus devices, but if you ever get crazy and try and use that USB-C cable to charge another USB-C device-say, a Nexus 6P-you might damage your shiny gizmo.

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