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remove footer credit link from blogger template

By da1337 - Thursday, 7 April 2016 No Comments
hello bloggers, today i am writing this blog to remove footer credit link from blogger template, there are several websites out there who provides free blogger templates with their credit link on footer.
i will show you how you can remove or replace those credit links.

1. Go to blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
2. Go to the footer and find the credit/footer link which needs to remove/hide. You’ll find something like Copyright, credit or designed etc.
3. Now we use css trick to hide div/p/block Add the following line with your original copyright ID.
style=”visibility: hidden”
4. Now, you need to Save your Template.

someone asked me to do this for themes by theme24x7, as above method was not working, after analyzing i found that they are using text replace and redirect encrypted code.
so here is the solution.
1. Go to blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
2. Press CTRL+F (find command), and search for lines starting with var _0xe490,
 will find following codes,
var _0xe490=["\x3C\x61\x20\x68\x72\x65\x66\x3D\x22\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3A\x2F\x2F\x77\x77\x77\x........
.....$(document)[_0xe490[8]](function (){$(_0xe490[2])[_0xe490[1]](_0xe490[0]);setInterval(function (){if(!$(_0xe490[4])[_0xe490[3]]){window[_0xe490[6]][_0xe490[5]]=_0xe490[7];} ;} ,3000);} );"

3. Remove all the matching code.
4. Go to the footer and find the credit/footer link and remove that.
5. Now, you need to Save your Template.

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