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Google's Testing Web-Style Responsive Ads on Huge London Billboards

By da1337 - Monday, 2 November 2015 No Comments

Google has long been using technology it calls DoubleClick to target ads on millions of websites. Now, it's taking it to the city streets, installing a series of billboard in London that use real-time data to change what they display.

Business Insider reports that the new billboards, which can be found in busy areas of the city like Waterloo Station, Euston Road and Vauxhall roundabout, respond to real-time data about weather, audience, travel information, and local events. In turn, they choose which ads to display.

The idea, which works creepily well online, can serve pedestrians and drivers adverts that are most relevant to them given the time of day and what's happening in the world. They can, of course, also choose ntot display ads that may be inappropriate.

Google tells Business Insider that this is a "proof-of-concept" designed to help align web and out-of-home advertising. While the obvious extension of this kind of technology is billboards that react to an individual's presence, Google insists it has no immediate plans to do that.

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