AdBlock for Chrome has been sold to an undisclosed buyer and will join the Acceptable Ads program.
AdBlock for Chrome has been sold and will join the Acceptable Ads program used by AdBblock Plus, which allows some ads, but reportedly eliminates annoying ones.
Details about the buyer of AdBlock are fuzzy. Here's the announcement for folks that were running AdBlock.
Ad blocking has been the topic du jour on the Web since advertising supports most publisher business models. The topic also got a boost since Apple is supporting ad blocking apps in iOS 9.
Estimates for the damage caused by ad blocking are all over the place with analysts thinking the technology is overrated to some form of Adageddon.
The only certain thing here is that the money in the ad industry will be shifting around. Exchanges that specializes in annoying ads may be screwed, but rest assured that some of those funds will flow to ad blocking software companies.
AdBlock for Chrome has been sold and will join the Acceptable Ads program used by AdBblock Plus, which allows some ads, but reportedly eliminates annoying ones.
Details about the buyer of AdBlock are fuzzy. Here's the announcement for folks that were running AdBlock.
Ad blocking has been the topic du jour on the Web since advertising supports most publisher business models. The topic also got a boost since Apple is supporting ad blocking apps in iOS 9.
Estimates for the damage caused by ad blocking are all over the place with analysts thinking the technology is overrated to some form of Adageddon.
The only certain thing here is that the money in the ad industry will be shifting around. Exchanges that specializes in annoying ads may be screwed, but rest assured that some of those funds will flow to ad blocking software companies.
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