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Windows 10 for Mobile: When is it coming to my phone?

By da1337 - Tuesday, 15 September 2015 No Comments

Windows 10 for Mobile is coming - and Microsoft is beginning to get consumers ready for its release.
The company has already listed some devices that are eligible for Windows 10 for Mobile, but now it's adding more devices to that list. The Microsoft Store is starting to recommend devices that support Windows 10.
Both the US and UK stores are showing "Windows 10 Ready" devices, and while the absence of flagship devices like the HTC One M8 is worrying, it's cool to see that the small list of support devices is growing.
Microsoft has already released Windows 10 for computers. We're now waiting on an edition for mobile devices.
The company said in the past that its new mobile OS would roll out sometime this autumn, but there's no confirmed release date as of yet. Microsoft has since scheduled a press event for 6 October, when it will likely unveil the latest Lumia flagships running Windows 10 for Mobile, so we might learn more then.

Earlier this year, Microsoft said Windows 10 for Mobile would begin to roll out for free to handsets "when available". It also confirmed the first smartphones to get Windows 10 for Mobile will be:
  • Lumia 430, Lumia 435, Lumia 532, Lumia 535, Lumia 540, Lumia 640, Lumia 640 XL, Lumia 735, Lumia 830, and Lumia 930
More recently, Microsoft clarified via both its US and UK websites which Windows Phone handsets are currently "Windows 10 Ready", meaning they are eligible to upgrade. These are the devices on the UK site:
  • Lumia 635, Lumia 735, Lumia 830, Nokia Lumia 735, Lumia 830, Microsoft Lumia 535, Microsoft Lumia 435, Microsoft Lumia 640, Microsoft lumia 640 XL LTE, and Nokia Lumia 635
And these are the devices on the US site:
  • Microsoft Lumia 640 XL (AT&T), Microsoft Lumia 640 (AT&T - Black - No Contract), Microsoft Lumia 735 (Verizon), Lumia 635 (Black - Unlocked), and Lumia 635 (Sprint)
Note: Some phones listed on the UK site aren’t listed on the US site.

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