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how to hack into an organisation

By da1337 - Tuesday, 2 December 2014 No Comments
hello friends.. :)
Today i wanna explain "Working Steps behind Hacking A Firm,Company or Organisation".
i think everyone who are using email services, encounter such type of spam mails, like "open this Attachment", "You Have Won 10000$", "Please Fill Details I want to send Cash", etc.. etc.
Many of you dont have idea, what are these.. Why Any unknown sender send this types of mails..
First of all i want to clear that these are scam do not open such types of emails.
Hacker use these types of technique to hack into organisation computer systems, whole process is explained in this picture.

Steps Explained in the Picturehow to hack into an organisation
1. Hacker Prepare Email With malware in attachment.
2. Email sent to Victim with a relevant subject Line.
3. The Victim receives the email and opens that attachment with malware.
4. When victim opens the attachment, malware installs a BACKDOOR on his system.
5. Password and info. from Org. in the network are collected. Backdoors are installed on more sys.
6. Files are collected, compressed and are transmitted via any hijacked server.
7. The Hacker gains access (download) to the stolen documents

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