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Subtitle Hack: 200 Million Devices Are Vulnerable, Download Fix For VLC, Kodi, Etc.

- Thursday, 25 May 2017 No Comments
Hey Friends.. how are you?? I hope you guys are enjoying to read my blogs,, Well today i am going to write an article related to cyber attack,, Subtitle Hack: 200 Million Devices Are Vulnerable, Download Fix For VLC, Kodi, Etc
A simple but malicious subtitle file can be used to gain control of your PC, TV or smartphone. Check Point researchers have spotted vulnerabilities in VLC, Kodi, Stremio, and Popcorn Time in the way these media players handle subtitle files. As of now, fixes have been released for the media players.
According to a blog post published by Check Point security, a subtitle file could be modified to create a new attack vector and compromise the devices such as PCs, mobile devices, TVs, etc running vulnerable media players. Once compromised, the attacker can perform remote code execution, steal data, use the device as a pawn in a DDoS attack, and more.The researchers say, delivering a cyber attack when subtitles are loaded onto a media players is a “completely overlooked technique”.Most of the people download subtitles files from repositories on the web without giving a second thought, treating them as no more than innocent text files.The researchers say that attackers can upload a malicious subtitle on a repository and manipulate the rankings to put their results on the top. This could result in an increase in manual download counts and automatic download counts (by media players).They also note that subtitles aren’t considered as a threat in comparison to traditional attack vectors which are well-known to security companies and users. That’s the reason a malicious code hiding in a subtitle file could easily sneak through filters deployed by antivirus software.The actual vulnerability lies in the way the media players handle subtitle files. One aspect that contributes to the complexity of the whole thing is a large number of subtitle formats each having its own set of features. Currently, there are around 25 subtitle formats in circulation.Different media players have their own method of parsing and combining different subtitle formats in order to enhance user experience. As a result, the researchers were able to find distinct vulnerabilities in affected media players.The list of affected media players includes VLC, XBMC Kodi, Popcorn Time, and Stremio. However, the researchers don’t exclude the possibility of the exploit existing on other media players.
The researchers haven’t published further details as the developers are currently investigating the vulnerability.Each of the affected media players has millions of users with VLC topping the list. The last release of VLC (June 5, 2016) has been downloaded more than 170 million times. In total, the researchers estimated that around 200 million devices running the affected media players are exposed to the attack.
Download Subtitle Hack Fix:
Check Point researchers contacted the developers of the affected media players in April 2017. Thankfully, the security patches have been released.
In the case of VLC, the attacker can leverage memory corruption bug. The media player had four vulnerabilities (CVE-2017-8310, CVE-2017-8311, CVE-2017-8312 and CVE-2017-8313) which have been fixed by VideoLan.
A fix for VLC is available as the latest version which is present on the VideoLan’s website. The same is the case of Stremio.
The developers of Popcorn Time and Kodi have created a fix, but it’s not released for public yet. For Popcorn Time, you can download the fix manually using this link provided by the researchers. Head over to GitHub where you can find a source code fix for XBMC Kodi.
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This Car Battery Charges Faster Than Your Smartphone, Full-charge In 5 Minutes For 300 Miles

- Monday, 15 May 2017 No Comments
 Hey guys after long time i am gonna write an article..This Car Battery Charges Faster Than Your Smartphone, Full-charge In 5 Minutes For 300 Miles!!
An Israel-based startup named StoreDot has showcased their battery technology Flash Battery at the CUBE Tech Fair Berlin. The company demonstrated their battery which can be charged in five minutes to run an electric car for 300 miles. It’s expected arrive in the next three years.
One of the reasons you won’t go for an electric car these days is the charging time. If not a day, it can take hours to charge an average car battery.Companies like Tesla, through their supercharging stations, have found ways to pump electrons to their models in around two hours. Still, many people won’t prefer this if they run out of fuel on a highway.Now, what’s if there is a car battery that charges faster than your smartphone? An Israel-based startup named StoreDot thinks their battery can save a lot of precious time in your lives. They claim their battery can be fully charged in just 5 minutes and power an electric car for around 300 miles. StoreDot demonstrated a proof-of-concept of their futuristic FlashBattery technology at the CUBE Tech Fair in Berlin. It isn’t a Li-ion battery and uses a combination of gradient layers of nanomaterials and proprietary organic compounds. StoreDot says that the use of graphite in Li-ion batteries reduces their capacity to sustain at high temperatures while fast charging, making them inflammable. However, this is not the case with FlashBattery. Credit is given to their home-made chemical compound which has a higher temperature of combustion and also reduces the resistance of the battery cell to increase safety.“The currently available battery technology dictates long charging times which makes the EV form of transportation inadequate for the public at large,” says Dr. Doron Myersdorf, StoreDot’s co-founder, and CEO.StoreDot is pitching their idea to various automakers to start mass production in Asia as soon as possible.
They expect FlashBattery to hit stores in around three years.A battery that reaches 100 percent charge capacity in a matter of few minutes could be a relief for the drivers. This could drastically reduce our dependency fossil fuels in the next decade. Another possible application could be in the form of power backup solution for our homes.If you have something to add, drop your thoughts and feedback.

Robots Will Be Soon Covered In Human Skin, But It’ll Be For Our Own Benefit

- Friday, 3 March 2017 No Comments
Hello Friends.. Today i am writing very interesting article,Robots Will Be Soon Covered In Human Skin, But It’ll Be For Our Own Benefit!!

New kind of bioreactors–used to create human tissue grafts–have been proposed by a research duo at Oxford University. They say the current stationary bioreactors fail to imitate the real mechanical environment while tuning the cells. Putting tissue grafts on humanoid bioreactors can be beneficial in creating more realistic human tissues for transplantation.Researchers Pierre-Alexis Mouthuy and Andrew Carr at the Oxford University have thought of a new idea to develop human tissues artificially.It is observed that the patients aren’t comfortable after the transplantation.
It is because the tissue grafts (for skin, ligaments, etc.) created in stationary environments in current bioreactors haven’t been subject to natural stretching, straining, and moving.As detailed in Science Robotics magazine, a new way proposed by the researchers is to create humanoid bioreactor systems which would “mimic the human skeletal architecture and the body movements in different activities.” Creating tissue drafts and putting them on robots make the tissues more realistic.Humanoid robots like Kenshiro can be used to tune tissue grafts. Because they are designed to closely replicate human muscles, tendons, etc. using rubber-like materials and inelastic strings.Bots wearing human skin could sound cringy at first, but it’s for the betterment of a medical process. What are your views on this? Drop your thoughts and feedback.

Now You Can Run Windows 98 On Your Wrist Using A Raspberry Pi

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Hello Friends..Today i am writing very interesting article, Now You Can Run Windows 98 On Your Wrist Using A Raspberry Pi!!

A DIYer has created his own Raspberry Pi-powered smartwatch that runs Windows 98. The watch has a 2.4-inch touchscreen and it’s powered by a 1,000mAh battery. The inventor–who also plans to run Doom on his wrist-mounted device–has detailed the instructions for creating your own Raspberry Pi-powered smartwatch.Recently, we reviewed Ticwatch 2 smartwatch and it was a perfect example of budget meeting polish.
But, if we keep the polish factor aside, there are many other exciting smartwatch concepts that look like a geek’s dream come true. Here, we’re talking about DIY smartwatches.The recent addition to this list of geeky smartwatches is a Raspberry Pi smartwatch, which can also be called a wrist computer, using a Raspberry Pi Model A+. The DIYer didn’t stop there. He installed Windows 98 on it.Just like the hover boards and self-strapping shoes, the inventor was inspired by the movies and TV shows of the 80s and 90s. Taking inspiration from the wrist-mounted computers shown in them, he put a 2.4-inch touchscreen and a 1,000mAh battery. It’s also operated using the 5 buttons on the top of the device.In a thread on Reddit, the DIYer tells that he has been able to run Minesweeper on the watch, but it’s very slow. He has also been able to run Flying Windows screensaver.Here are some more pictures of this Raspberry Pi-powered Windows 98 smartwatch Just in case you wish to build your own watch, you can visit this link where all the details have been described. Here’s the list of all the components you’ll be needing to get started:
Raspberry Pi A+
Powerboost 500
Velcro feet
Velcro wrist strap
Micro USB Cable
40 Pin Header
40 Pin Header Extender
Various bits from MODMYPI
In his Reddit thread, the inventor tells that he plans to get Doom running on his wrist computer. Well, we’ll be surely waiting for that sweet miracle.So, are you going to try out this DIY project this weekend? Don’t forget to share your own creations with us.

Google’s E2EMail Encryption System Is Now Open Source

- Tuesday, 28 February 2017 No Comments
Hello.. today i am writing an article,Google’s E2EMail Encryption System Is Now Open Source.

Google has open sourced the code of its E2EMail encryption system, which is available as a simple-to-use Chrome app. Now Google calls it an independent project that exchanges OpenPGP mail. When one launches the E2EMail app, it just shows the encrypted mails. Currently, it just only supports text-based email messages.Google introduced E2EMail system as a Chrome app to help people easily exchange private email.
Google aimed at crafting an encrypted email solution that wasn’t complex. Now, Google has open sourced the code for this experimental encryption system and its code is In its announcement post, Google emphasizes that E2EMail isn’t a Google product, it’s a community-driven open source project. E2EMail is built on a JavaScript Crypto library developed by Google. Compared to a classic OpenPGP client, Google’s open source offering is very simple to install.With the help of Chrome Extension for E2EMail, the users can integrate OpenPGP into Gmail. This process carefully preserves all the cleartext of the message body exclusively on the client.The GitHub page of E2EMail calls it independent of the normal Gmail web interface, which behaves like a sandbox that can only read/write encrypted email. When one launches the app, it only shows the encrypted email in one’s Gmail account.It should be noted that in its initial version, E2EMail hosts its own keyserver. In future, for better security, Google hopes that it’ll use Google’s evolving Key Transparency method for looking up the keys.Talking about the limitations, E2EMail only supports text-based email messages, and there’s no email formatting and file attachments. In future releases, the development team hopes to encrypt email headers for better anonymity.Did you find Google’s this open source offering interesting? Don’t forget to share your views and feedback.

Bill Gates: Take Taxes From Robots Who Snatch Jobs From Humans.

- Tuesday, 21 February 2017 No Comments
Hello Friends... i am gonna write some interesting article..Bill Gates: Take Taxes From Robots Who Snatch Jobs From Humans..

The co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has his idea to help people affected because of job automation, where AI-based robots are replacing humans. Bill Gates says there should be some kind of a robot tax for these machines. The organizations running them should pay the tax.Various tech leaders have contributed their own share to the ‘AI robots taking our jobs’ debate. Like the Tesla boss Elon Musk, who believes in the future concept of a universal basic income when robots would replace humans in a majority of workplaces.Bill Gates is another famous name to suggest something. In an interview with Quartz, he said there should be a robot tax. It should be levied by the governments from the companies deploying machine for humans.
Well, it might give us a sense of satisfaction while visualizing our jobless future.But the companies deploying the machines won’t be very happy to hear this. On the other hand, Gates doesn’t believe the companies would be outrageous on this thing. “It’s OK,” he said.According to him, the robot taxes should be used to fund people working with kids in the schools and helping elderly people. Certainly, it’s a field where humans can still find their need.Taking taxes from robots might be a good idea, but it would increase the operating costs for these robots. However, it would also slow down the rates with which automation is proliferating every day.Musk’s idea of a global income becomes more visible when combined with what Bill Gates has suggested. Taking taxes from the robots and paying it to the people.Government bodies across the world might’ve started to acknowledge the robot tax thing. But still, they’re yet to implement. An example is the European Parliament from Feb 2016, a robot tax proposal to help the affected workers was rejected. The Parliament, however, is working to set guidelines for ethical development and use of the robots, along with damage liabilities.How to you picture the future? Drop your thoughts and feedback.

Legendary Nokia 3310 Is Coming Back | Release Date & Price

- Wednesday, 15 February 2017 No Comments
Hello is very interesting article..Legendary Nokia 3310 Is Coming Back | Release Date & Price 

Nokia’s parent HMD Global is rumored to be bringing back iconic Nokia 3310 feature phone. The launch will take place on February 26 at Nokia’s event at Mobile World Congress. The smartphone maker is also expected to launch three other phones, which will be Android-powered, at the event. Nokia 3310 is expected to cost around $63.Nokia 3310, the world’s most reliable phone that has inspired thousands of memes, is set to make a comeback later this month.
If the reports are to be believed, this phone’s new incarnation will be revealed during this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, SpainNokia 3310 launch date and price VentureBeat’s Evan Bass reports that the new Nokia 3310 handset will be unveiled at the Nokia HMD event on February 26. It’ll cost around $63 (€59 or £49).For those who aren’t familiar with Nokia 3310, the feature phone was first released in 2000 as a replacement of Nokia 3210. It went on to become one of the most successful Nokia phones.Nokia 3310 is known for being its ‘indestructible’ body, Snake game, and mega battery life.Apart from the iconic Nokia 3310, two new Nokia Android Nougat phones will also be launched. These phones will be Nokia 6 and Nokia 5. Another new device, i.e., Nokia 3, is also expected to make an appearance.Are you excited about the comeback of Nokia 3310? Don’t forget to share your views.

.WhatsApp Brings Two-step Verification For 1.2 Billion Users, Here’s How To Enable It.

- Friday, 10 February 2017 No Comments
Hello i am writing very interesting article..WhatsApp Brings Two-step Verification For 1.2 Billion Users, Here’s How To Enable It...
WhatsApp has enabled two-step verification option for all its 1.2 billion users. After enabling this optional feature, any attempt to verify your phone on a smartphone will need to be accompanied by a six-digit passcode. The users can simply find the two-step verification option in Settings and enable it.Last year, WhatsApp rolled out the much-anticipated end-to-end encryption for all users.
In another step to make WhatsApp instant messaging more secure, the company has rolled out two-step verification to its users spread across iOS, Android, and Windows platform.It should be noted that WhatsApp started testing two-step verification feature last November. Now, with this optional feature enabled, while verifying their phones the users will need to use six-digit passcode created using two-factor verification.After enabling this feature, the users will also have the option to enter their email address. It’ll be used by WhatsApp to send you a link to disable two-step verification in case you forgot your passcode.You should also note that with two-step verification enabled, you won’t be permitted to reverify on WhatsApp within a week of last using the service without the passcode.Also, to help you remember the passcode, WhatsApp will periodically ask you to enter your passcode.
How to enable two-step verification on WhatsApp?
Enabling two-step verification on WhatsApp instant messaging app is very simple. After making sure that you have an updated WhatsApp application, simply visit the Settings section.Now, look for Account option. There, select Two-step verification and Enable this option.Did you find this article on WhatsApp two-step verification helpful? Don’t forget to share your views and feedback.